
pomocom is a simple, configurable, and lightweight pomodoro timer. It can be run in a terminal using ANSI codes or ncurses, and it can be run graphically using wxWidgets. It is written in C++20.

It features:

pomocom, being modular, does not contain its own notifier for when timing sections end. Instead, it is configured to run a shell command of your choice at the end of each section. A default notifier script for GNU/Linux is included in pomocom's config directory, which uses dzen2 for displaying a pop-up message and aplay to play a sound effect.

If you would like to write your own notifier script, placing it in pomocom's config directory instead of anywhere in your $PATH is a good idea, since it keeps all of your configuration files in one spot. Prepending your shell command with "+" in a config file will add the config directory to the beginning of the command, so your $PATH can be left untouched.
