SoupDL 06
SoupDL 06 is a challenging platformer and shooter game where you launch yourself with a fireball-spewing trumpet. It's written in C with SDL for graphics/audio/input.
This game started out as just a demo for me to test out SDL, and slowly morphed into an actual game. It's one of the few games that runs smoothly on the 12-year-old thinkpad I bring to school.
You can play the game right here in your browser because emscripten exists.
A, D - left and right movement
K - jump (and boost up if shooting the trumpet downwards)
J - fire the trumpet
W - aim the trumpet up
S - aim the trumpet down
X - load the last saved game
1 - set zoom to 1x
2 - set zoom to 2x
3 - zoom out slightly (warning: zooming out too much could freeze the web version of the game)
4 - zoom in slightly
Q - quit the game
Debug/Testing Controls
These will disturb normal gameplay.
R - restart map
E - toggle map editor mode
Map Editor Controls
Left mouse button - place the currently selected tile or entity at the cursor's position
Right mouse button - erase the tile or entity at the cursor's position, depending on whether a tile or entity is selected to be placed down
Left alt + middle mouse button - if the cursor hovers over a void rectangle, delete it, otherwise, create a new void rectangle
Left alt + left mouse button - move a void rectangle
Left alt + right mouse button - resize a void rectangle
W, A, S, D - pan the camera
1, 2 - cycle through tiles
3, 4 - cycle through entities
5, 6 - cycle through the map's outside tile
7, 8 - change the map editor selection dimensions
Equals, Minus - increase and decrease map width
Right and left square brackets - increase and decrease map height
O - open another map
P - save map
L - set up door linkage
Left alt + V - Set the value of the void rectangle hovered over with the cursor
On the technical side, soupdl features:
- an ECS-like entity system
- a tilemap system
- a (live) map editor
- a saving and loading system which remembers what items you've already picked up
As a game, soupdl features:
- ~4 somewhat big main maps (and ~14 weird test maps)
- a gentle introductional tutorial before things get chaotic
- tricky platforming with 4-directional trumpet boosting
- intense ranged combat with evil eggs
- good art
This has been the most fun and ambitious project I've worked on so far.